
2023 12: Someday - out NOW!!!

2022 02: Cold Wars - out now!!!

2022 01: SPM - SoundPlanetMusic now on GETTR!

2021 09: I Got This Love - out now!!!

2021 08: Universal Audio UAD-2 Satellite OCTO

Premium sound with premium power.

2021 08: Austrian Audio Hi-X65

Say hello to the new member of my headphones family:

2021 05: SoundPlanetMastering

As I am getting more and more into it, I offer free mastering for your songs during the time I am studying at HOFA College. Read more...

2021 02: Theme #02 - Out now!

After one year, it's finally time the release some new music. Theme #02 is the first song I produced on my apple system, using Ableton Live 10, Push 2 and - for mastering - Logic Pro X. This time there is going to be a making of video too, so if you are interesting in how I make my music: stay tuned!


2021 01: Studiotour part 02: the second Mac...

After I was blown away from the power of the MacPro , I decided to try another Apple MacBookPro (the third in 2020...). This is my on the the go machine, it’s mirrored with the MacPro, so I can work on something wherever I have it with me and continue it at home in the studio or inverse. Cool thing, if you wanna know the full specs, click here

2021 01: Studiotour part 01: The heart of my studio

The biggest change for me & my studio: jumping from windows to macOS. After working with windows for decades I changed my whole system and bought a Mac. A MacPro. Click here

2021 01: What about some new music?

After changing the system, changing the DAW and changing some gear I’m trying to get everything to work. Theme #02 should be coming out next month, and I want to show you everything I changed in my studio - and my workflow. A year since my last release... it's time the get it on!

2020 09: New site is online!

While I'm still busy learning Logic Pro X I launched the new site. Have fun and let me know what you think about it.

2020 01: New Song "I Don't Wanna Stop (Loving You)

My new song is out now and waiting for you to stream on all major streaming services.